Monday, December 30, 2019

Literary Romanticism Essay - 608 Words

Literary Romanticism Literary Romanticism is a movement in literature present in the history of virtually every European country, the USA, and Latin America. It lasted from approximately 1750 to about 1870 and was characterized by reliance on the imagination and emotional subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature. The term romantic first appeared in 18th-century English and originally meant romancelike#8212;that is, resembling the fanciful character of medieval romances. Romanticism was merely a product of bygone ages as are all works of literature. Heinrich Heine is an example of a German romantic poet. He is best renowned for his early lyrical poems and ballads, which are†¦show more content†¦Because the profession of law was prohibited to Jews in Germany at that time, Heine, who was born Jewish, converted to Christianity in 1825 in order to obtain a law degree. He received his degree but never practiced law. In 1826 Die Harzreise (The Harz Journey 1887), a prose account of a trip he had taken to the Harz, a mountain range in central Germany, was published. This work, with its wit and grace of style, won success immediately and established Heines literary reputation. In 1827 his Buch der Lieder (Book of Songs, 1846) was published. Many noted composers, including Franz Schubert of Austria and Robert Schumann of Germany, wrote music to accompany these verses. From 1827 to 1831 Heine lived in England and Italy as well as in various parts of Germany. During that period he wrote the three volumes of travel stories that, with Die Harzreise, make up the four volumes of his Reisebilder (1826-1831; Travel Pictures, 1887). He also wrote a number of prose works in which he displayed sympathy with the democratic ideas of the French Revolution (1789-1799) and bitterly satirized the feudal regimes of the German kingdoms and duchies (see Feudalism). In the 1830s Heine became a prominent member of a literary group known as Junges Deutschland (Young Germany), which attacked the German school of Romanticism for having come under the domination of the monarchy and the church. He had hoped to obtain a position as a professor of German literature, but hisShow MoreRelatedLiterary Romanticism : Literary Realism852 Words   |  4 PagesLiterary Romanticism in Contrast to Literary Realism Romanticism is a movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual. This particular movement focused on imagination and the interpretation of imagination by the individual. Romanticism primarily used symbolism to represent a much broader meaning than the object itself. 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